托尼·J. 斯宾塞

专员托尼·J. 斯宾塞, 代表安妮阿伦德尔县, 于2018年被马里兰州州长劳伦斯·J. 霍根于2021年再次获得任命. 斯宾塞专员是安纳波利斯班纳克-道格拉斯博物馆公共关系委员会的成员, 并带来了50多年的观众参与, community equality and equity activism and visual art; 35 years of community collaboration; five years as a school board member for Anne Arundel County Public School Board; 10 years of grant management; three+ years of grant evaluation; seven years of visual art exhibitions; and 18 years of ancestral research.